Look in the Mirror

Don't blame Obama for all that is going wrong. He told you what he was going to do and you still voted for him so look in the mirror you bunch of morons that don't pay attention.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Truth of What is Happening to America

What you must come to terms with as far as the American economy is concerned this is the plan the Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations , Tri-lateral Commission, World Federalist Association in conjunction with the international financial institutions using the various central banks to control the economy of the world and has been all along. Have you noticed especially since we lost our manufacturing jobs how one region of the world’s economy is doing fine and another’s is sucking hind tit and this goes on and on through the manipulation of currencies. You know the old saying “follow the money”. Its important to bring America down so low we will holler uncle and be willing to accept anything or anyone to get us out of this mess and this election is a good example of what I am talking about. It was all about the phony “95% tax cut” and the word “change”.
David Rockefeller—Founder and honorary chairman, Council of the Americas. Chairman , Council on Foreign Relations. Founder and Honorary Chairman, Trilateral Commission__We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nation will accept the New World Order. He also said, "Some even believe we (Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." All the government has to do to gain control of the people’s mind is to gain control of their pocketbook. Another of the one world government heirarchy said, "give me control of the people's money and I care not who they elect". This statement should tell you we have been attacking the wrong organizations and people because we have been following the MSM’s lead. Hey, guess who owns the MSM?

Where all this is leading:
Paul-Henri Spaak, the founder of the European Common Market and the general secretary of NATO, emphatically declared in a speech: "We don’t want another committee-we already have enough of them. What we want is a man of such stature that he be capable to gain the alliance of peace-the politics to pull us out of the economic chaos into which we are sinking. Send us this man, and be he god or the devil, we will welcome him!" Though this speech was given many years ago it reflects the sentiment of these reprobates. I have even been attacked for jumping on David Rockefeller. They say “hey man leave the man alone he is 92 years old”. I say I don’t care if he is 192 he still espouses and finances using your tax dollars I might add the idea of bringing about a one world government dictatorship, which means bringing my children and grandchildren under bondage. I just wish there more like me that can’t live with this idea.
Recently, Henry Kissinger a member of the Biderberger Group (one world government advocates) said Obama has been being groomed and primed to lead the world into a one world government. Obama has signed and registered a presidential directive to bring thousands of Palestinians to America and provide free everything to them. He is I believe bringing about what the prophet predicted for nations that turn their backs on God and his chosen people of Israel. Jeremiah 51:14 (NKJV) shows us the future: "Surely I will fill you with men, as with locusts, and they shall lift up a battle cry against you." Terrorist camps are here already and the government knows it and now Obama is bringing in the troops for these terrorist to train. What we should be doing is obeying the scripture concerning our role with Israel. Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. If you think I am lying look it up yourself and you will see twenty millions has been set aside from the stimulus for the purpose of resettling these terrorist. Folks you might as well accept the fact we have a devil in the white house and that is about as candid as I can be with you. You should have picked up on it already. He says one thing in front of the camera does another behind it. Example: He said nobody's god would condone killing the innocent yet the first thing he did as president is reverse Bush's policy on federal funding of abortions and even extended it to the rest of the world. He is for gay marriage and on and on. What else do you need to see this man for what he is. And please don't ask me to pray for him to succeed because that would be like asking God to send me to hell. This stimulus is a huge step toward bringing us into subjection of a one world government body and George W is a part of it like his dad also plus Bill Clinton. Clinton did two very important things to bring this about. First NAFTA to ship our manufacturing overseas and then forcing Fannie Mae and Freddy and others to give loans to people to purchase homes that couldn't afford them. The backbone of any economy is in manufacturing. In 1955 78 % of the GDP was based in manufacturing. Today it makes up 14%. We have an economy dependent on consumer spending and makes up 70 % of the GDP. People don't have the money to spend and it was propped up by issuing credit until all things necessary was in place like it is now. Since NAFTA consumer credit card debt has been at an all time high. Want to know something that should ruffle your feather greatly, Obama's election was largely financed by credit card debt that the rest of the taxpayers are now bailing out and this was done by design. It didn't just happen!
This is the baffled, bewildered, befuddled mindset that will usher in the Antichrist. For the day will come-and soon-when such a man will emerge out of the U.S. or European Union and bewitch the political leaders of the world. He will announce a grand scheme for universal peace and prosperity that the world’s leaders will agree to, and draw up a seven year contract. All nations--even Israel--will sign it. But in the middle of the peace, after three and a half years, everything falls apart and deadly conflicts break out again, culminating in the prophetic battle of Armageddon, in Israel’s Valley of Megiddo. This is in the bible. The sooner people accept these facts the sooner we might be able to turn it around but we are at a point where it will have to be done with the help of God and that means one thing. It starts with us. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. We can’t blame God for what is happening to us, we did it ourselves and God gave us free will. That is why Obama got elected. People wanted him so like God did with the Jews when they cried for a king he told the prophet give them a king and warned them what it would be like but they didn’t want to listen. The question is will we do the right thing or continue to waller in our filth.
A British historian Alexander Tyler once said, “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government; they will only exist until the people find that they can vote money for themselves from the treasury and until the politicians find that they can distribute that money in order to buy votes and perpetuate themselves in power.” “Hence, democracies always collapse over weak fiscal policy to be followed by a dictatorship”.

What has always historically followed
“The U.S. is a country which leads the world in homosexuality, promiscuity, pornography, divorce, abortion, violent crime, drug usage, alcoholism, and child abuse: a country which embraces its enemies (China through trade) while turning its back on its friends (Taiwan); and a country which turns its back on its spiritual, Christ-centered heritage while believing itself to still be the greatest – is ready for a major fall,” says Don McAlvany. It happened to Rome, Babylon, Persia, Assyria, Greece, and now America is on the verge of allowing it to happen. We spend 173 billion dollars annually for food, alcohol, tobacco, recreation, and gambling.

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